Friday, November 29, 2013

Last Bit Of Coke In The Bottle

I think of the darkness within every single person as the last bit of coke in the glass bottle. Ever so sweet and ever so dangerous. There are many names for the darkness and it varies between each person. Hate. Anger. Frustration. Sadness. Self-Loathing. Fear. Anything that can bring somewhat of a painful or uncomfortable stir in a person. There it is, trapped in the bottom of the bottle and it can't get out because if it did, it would destroy. The cap to the coke bottle can be anything. An event, a person or people, a thought, any number of things, as long as it's something nice to hold onto because when that bottle is turned (and it will be because it's in a constant state of motion) those good things need to keep the darkness from spilling out. The cap can easily come loose. It can be screwed back on, but how much will be left in the bottle once it's tight again? How much will be flooded all over the floor? What if it was to the point where there was nothing left in the bottle. You wouldn't put a cap on an empty bottle, would you? Of course not, you'd throw it out. The cap wouldn't have a purpose, just as the bottle no longer had a purpose. So everyone tries to keep that cap screwed on tight. However, even if that cap was on, it could leak. Even if it doesn't leak, people forget one important thing. The coke can get out by smashing the bottle, it's made of glass.

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